The King’s Favorite Advisor

Sunil Dom
2 min readSep 4, 2024


the vast kingdom of Rajpur

In the vast kingdom of Rajpur King Rajesh was known for his wisdom which was often attributed to the counsel of his trusted advisor Arjun. Arjun had served the king for many years guiding him through wars famines and political intrigues. His advice was always measured his strategies sound. The king relied heavily on Arjun valuing his experience and calm demeanor.

However, a new advisor named Viraj entered the court. Young and eager Viraj sought to make a name for himself. Unlike Arjun Viraj’s counsel was bold, his strategies daring. He often suggested risky ventures proposing grand plans that promised great rewards. The king, intrigued by the new ideas began to listen to Viraj more and more gradually favoring him over Arjun. The court buzzed with talk of Viraj’s rise and many believed that Arjun’s time as the king’s favorite was over.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Sensing the shift Arjun decided to step back. He realized that competing with Viraj’s flamboyance would only lead to friction. Instead Arjun allowed Viraj to take the lead observing quietly. As time passed Viraj’s risky strategies began to backfire. The kingdom suffered losses in both wealth and stability. The king now aware of the consequences of Viraj’s overconfidence turned back to Arjun for counsel. Arjun without resentment resumed his role guiding the king with the wisdom that only years of experience could provide.

The story of Arjun and Viraj serves as a powerful reminder: In the pursuit of recognition and success it’s easy to overlook the importance of subtlety and experience. Those who have walked the path before us carry wisdom that cannot be learned through ambition alone. Never outshine the master for doing so might lead to short-term gains but long-term losses.



Sunil Dom
Sunil Dom

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