week comes to an end
As the week comes to an end, I take some time to reflect on everything that’s happened. “The Law of Change” reminds me that in order to grow, I need to learn from my experiences. But how can I learn if I don’t take the time to look back and reflect?
At work, I review the progress I’ve made on the new projects I’ve taken on. I notice the mistakes I’ve made, but I also see how much I’ve learned from them. I realize that reflection is a key part of growth – it’s how you turn experiences into lessons.
In dance, I watch videos of my practice sessions. It’s not always easy to see myself on screen, especially when I make mistakes, but it helps me understand where I need to improve. I take notes and plan how I’ll work on those areas next week.
As I wind down for the day, I feel a sense of peace. Reflecting on my journey so far helps me see how far I’ve come. It also gives me clarity on what I need to do next. Change isn’t just about doing things differently; it’s about learning from what you’ve done.