Power of Patience

Sunil Dom
2 min readSep 5, 2024


making others come to you

The first step in making others come to you is understanding the value of patience. You can’t always force people to act or come to you on your schedule; instead, you must create an environment where they are drawn to you naturally.

Take the example of a fisherman. A fisherman doesn’t chase after fish; he finds a quiet spot and drops his bait into the water patiently waiting for the fish to approach. The bait is something the fish desires, but the fisherman holds control because he knows the fish will eventually come to him guided by its own interest.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In life, this tactic is invaluable. If you are constantly chasing others whether in business relationships or any social context you give away your power. However when you set the stage and offer something desirable people will come to you. Think of it like offering a solution to a problem only you can solve. The key is to wait and let others realize they need what you have to offer.

For example in the business world, Steve Jobs often made people wait for Apple’s next big product launch. Instead of following the market Apple created demand by introducing products that people didn’t know they needed yet. This strategy kept customers eagerly coming to Apple rather than the other way around.



Sunil Dom
Sunil Dom

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