Generosity as a weapon

Sunil Dom
1 min readSep 5, 2024


act of kindness

Generosity is often seen as an act of kindness but in the realm of influence and power it can also be a tactical tool. Giving something valuable whether it’s time money or a favor can put others in your debt and make them feel obligated to reciprocate in some way. But selective generosity goes beyond just giving; it’s about knowing when and how to give in order to achieve a specific goal.

Take the example of a political figure who during a heated election campaign suddenly donates a significant sum to a cause his opponent cares deeply about. The opponent surprised by this unexpected generosity feels conflicted. On one hand, they’re grateful for the support toward the cause. On the other hand it weakens their ability to criticize their rival without appearing ungrateful. This act of generosity disarms the opponent making it harder for them to attack the giver.

Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

The political figure didn’t donate out of pure altruism. He calculated that by being selectively generous he would soften his opponent’s stance and shift public perception in his favor. Generosity when given at the right time can create leverage in situations where confrontation or competition was previously the norm.



Sunil Dom
Sunil Dom

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